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Q&A with Actor, Ruben Wheeler

Today we're catching up with one of the actors who will be bringing Bodmin's First World War stories to life.

Meet Ruben - student, and actor in The Trench Bodmin.

Hello! Could you please introduce yourself to us?

Hi, I’m Ruben Wheeler and I am performing in two of the short plays; I am Freddy in The Spy Who Loved D.H Lawrence and Tom in Beetroot Pie.

Have you acted before?

I have done quite a few stage productions, I’ve also acted in short films and have been an extra in a feature film!

Please tell us a bit about your roles in The Trench Bodmin.

I play Freddy, a young recruit who has a moving encounter with D.H. Lawrence (played by Nigel Billings) on the train to the Barracks in The Spy Who Loved D.H. Lawrence. I am also playing Tom in Beetroot Pie, a local boy who delivers eggs to the kitchens at Lanhydrock House.

What made you want to take part in The Trench Bodmin?

I wanted to be involved in a project locally where I could have the opportunity to work alongside professional actors. I am also very interested in History, especially WW1 & WW2.

Do you have any links to the project?

My Great Grandfather's Uncle, George Albert Anstice from Port Talbot in Wales, served in the Army - he was gassed in the trenches in Ypres, Belgium and survived.

How do you feel about being a part of the Trench Bodmin?

I am really pleased to be involved and although it is an emotional project I feel it is really important to re-tell these stories through theatrical performance.

If you could tell everyone one thing about your experiences on The Trench or WW1 commemorations in general, what would it be?

I have learnt about the overwhelming amount of work and dedication put in to the home front effort of those who stayed behind and kept the country running while the boys were away fighting on the western front.

Thanks Ruben!

You can follow Ruben on Twitter @ruben_actor

BEETROOT PIE, By Dominic Power, Directed by Michael Tonkin-Jones

18, 21, 22, 23 June. 5:00pm start. Run time approx. 45 mins.

Venue: Attic at Cornwall's Regimental Museum.

Tickets £5.

THE SPY WHO LOVED D.H LAWRENCE, By Mark Crees, Directed by Hannah Stephens 9, 11, 14, 15 July. 5:00pm start. Run time approx. 45 mins.

Venue: Attic at Cornwall's Regimental Museum.

Tickets £5.

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